Recall The Remains return with an overwhelming new single ‘Empty Woods’, only six weeks since the release of ‘Fairfield’. Once again their take on symphonic death metal never fails to impress. Simple but effective riffing also has the power to tear your ears off. The lighter symphonic parts intersperse between full on brutal death metal that include a spleen venting vocal that fits in well with the above video of this mental metal monolith! A delightful dirge to open up any pit wishing to take on these four fiery minutes!
Recall The Remains band info :- http://linktr.ee/recalltheremains I http://recalltheremains.com I
The band proclaim that ‘Empty Woods’ is “One of the most personal songs that they have written, tackling the subject of suicide and ‘Empty Woods’ is born of darkest thoughts and feelings that pull us towards suffering , imploring us to find an end to it all. How real it is that the blackness can begin to take over, eventually providing solace in a terrifying yet familiar embrace. The empty woods are the affectionate demon we all choose to ignore and even befriend, but which keeps us seeing reality and the true light within our own lives”.

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