To say my normal genres were blown away is an understatement when in April 2020 I reviewed the Last Light On The Highway album, a potent blend of country and rock by Robert Jon And The Wreck. Just over a year later saw them release the follow up Shine A Light On Me Brother, another spectacular tour de force.
So fast forward to 2022 as they blast out the recently released single ‘Waiting For Your Man’ on Joe Bonamassa’s label KTBA Records. To my ears it’s the heaviest song they’ve penned so far as first impressions were they had been delving into their AC/DC back catalogues. It talks the talk or even duck walks the walk in time honoured Angus Young fashion as their riffs bring the hammer down.
The honey soaked drawled vocals from Robert Jon bring melody to the musical maelstrom and the midway fretboard burning solo is breathtaking and they put the pedal to the metal for a vociferous outro.
Purchase and streaming links to ‘Waiting For Your Man’, May 2022 tour dates plus other band info are here :- https://ktbarecords.com/streaming/robertjon/waitingforyourman/?utm_ I https://robertjonandthewreck.com/ I https://www.facebook.com/robertjonandthewreck I https://twitter.com/rjandthewreck I https://www.instagram.com/robertjonandthewreck/ I https://www.youtube.com/robertjonandthewreck
Order tickets for the band’s May 2022 UK tour from :- https://www.alttickets.com/robert-jon-the-wreck-tickets
Robert Jon And The Wreck band line up :-
Robert Jon Burrison – Lead Vocals/Guitar.
Andrew Espantiman – Drums/Backing Vocals.
Steve Maggiora – Keyboards/Backing Vocals.
Henry James – Lead Guitar.
Warren Murrel – Bass Guitar.

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