Serrabulho are a four piece grind / hardcore band from Portugal, releasing their third full length album, Porntugal, and I really do not know where to start with this one.
This is proper hardcore thrash but when it comes to lyrics I can only describe most of them sounding like a whaling pig, as in ‘Ela Fez-Me Um Grao De Bico’. It’s absolute chaotic material. There are breaks in some of the songs which go off in a totally different tangent by playing snippets of portugese music. It throws me totally until the hardcore hits back in.
I must admit it really is confusing stuff this because the actual music is amazing. It’s fast, energetic and frantic. I do think however, that this album is spoilt by the ‘pig grunting ‘lyrics. For me it doesn’t work. But each to their own and these guys are entitled to do what they want to do, and I respect them totally for that. I think live these guys would be an absolute floor filler because the music is so good. It’s great thrash, double bass drums, speed changes, it has it all.
I did chuckle to myself to the intro of ‘BBC Wildlife’. Because the lyrics cannot be understood, it’s virtually impossible to tell whether they are in English or Portugese. Tracks such as ‘Cagalhao Com Ovo A Cavalo’, musically superb, lyrically barmy! But having said that, credit where it’s due, these guys can really play.
All I can say about this album is it has to heard to be believed. I must admit I did enjoy it, but not quite sure when my second listen will be. Great thrash and great fun!!!
Track Listing:
1 – She Drinks Milk
2 – Ela Fez-Me Um Grao De Bico
3 – Fecal Torpedo
4 – Pito Sem Penas
5 – Os Tintins Do Tintin
6 – BBC Wildlife
7 – Cagalhao Com Ovo A Cavalo
8 – Gelado De Caganetas
9 – Dingleberry Ice Cream
10 – Tofu Au Cu
11 – Tomate Pelado

© André Henriques
Carlos Guerra – Vocals
Paulo Ventura – Guitars / Vocals
Guilhermino Martins – Bass
Ivan Saraiva – Drums
- £6.49