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Shadows Lie Within are a five peace band hailing from the picturesque town of York.
With sounds reminiscent of the mighty Malefice their music is brutal yet somehow almost melodic in places.
Superbly crafted musicianship mixed with high intensity metalcore vocals pretty much sums up this up and coming band.
Opening track Shadows Of My Memory sets the scene for a pure brutal assault on the senses packing a punch that all you metalcore fans out there will love.
Ranks of the Damned and Untitled follow suit before leaving the listener beat down and begging for more with the final track of the e.p Now is Not Forever.
The Highlight of this great e.p: Shadows Of My Memory.
Rating: 7.5/10
Download this great album for FREE from http://www.mediafire.com/?413980lv3hdrccm
Track listing:
1. Shadows Of My Memory;
2. Ranks of the Damned;
3. Untitled;
4. Now is Not Forever;
Shadows Lie Within website: http://www.facebook.com/shadowsliewithin?sk=info