.@Planetmosh @Anybody reviews “R.I.B.” by @tankardofficial released via @nuclearblasteu
If there was a contest for the album title of the year Tankard could definitely be a candidate with their new album “R.I.B.” (“Rest In Beer”). These German metallers are well-known to thrash metal lovers since the early eighties. With 15 full-length albums since then already under their belts, “R.I.B.” brings their return after a two year break since “A Girl Called Cerveza”.

This album has to be a necessary pick for any thrash metal party, where beer is served by default. You will start with the technical “War Cry” for a warm up, after a few more beers you will cry your hear out with the title track “R.I.B. (Rest in Beer)” then will chill out with the quite melodic “Hope Can’t Die”. After your drunk friends have passed out, you will be the one to shout together with Gerre “Breakfast for Champions”. The finalé is the great track “The Party Ain’t Over ‘Til We Say So” when you will most likely put the album on repeat mode until you’re ready to sing along to a live version at yet another Tankard concert.
There is no doubt that Tankard stand out as an entertaining and memorable thrash band, both for listening at home and live. If you have any doubts, try “R.I.B.” and in no time you will catch yourself singing along. And while singing, take a look at the album cover. It is yet another cartoon like piece of beer propaganda in chemistry style, which most likely will put a smile on your face, making you the mirror of the beer-mad chemist professor in front of the blackboard.
It’s safe to say with Tankard playing now for more than 20 years they definitely know what they are doing. So besides being fun and entertaining, they are still to this day technical and make top quality thrash metal.
Reviewers pick: “R.I.B. (Rest in Beer)”, the third track of the album. Quite obvious and still the most memorable track of the whole set, making you rethink the famous “Rest in Peace” phrase.
And if I would have to set the second place winner, I would put “Hope Can’t Die” for it. Why? Because of the inspiring lyrics.
“R.I.B.” by Tankard is available since 20th of June via Nuclear Blast.
Track listing:
War Cry
Fooled By Your Guts
R.I.B. (Rest in Beer)
Riders of the Doom
Hope Can’t Die
No One Hit Wonder
Breakfast for Champions
Enemy of Order
Clockwise to Deadline
The Party Ain’t Over ‘Til We Say So
Tankard are:
Frank Thorwarth – Bass
Gerre – Vocals
Olaf Zissel – Drums
Andy Gutjahr – Guitars