Finnish punk band Teksti-TV 666 aim to prove that you can never have too many guitars, so to that end, this seven member band have 5 guitars (on some songs it’s even more at six). That’s a lot of guitars, but does it work? Well yes and no. Having so many guitars means that when they’re all played you get a wall of sound, so it’s loud – I can imagine it’s impressive in a live setting, but the problem is that you lose any subtlety in the sound, so the band rely on brute power to overwhelm the listener at times.
Check out “Aidattu Tulevaisuus” and hear how they sound…
I’ve got to be honest – the multiple guitar thing just feels like a gimmick, and once you strip away the gimmick there’s little here to get excited about – the ten minute closing track, “Katko” is just dull and uninspiring.
The single “Aidattu Tulevaisuus” is the best song here, but even that never rises to excellence – it’s a decent enough track but fails to really impress.
Taksti-TV 666 seem to have proved that yes you can have too many guitars
“Aidattu Tulevaisuus” will be released on 14th September 2018
Track listing:
1. Turbo-Mondeo
2. Aidattu Tulevaisuus
3. Rauhankone
4. Serverny
5. Katko