Now before we start, I realise that a good percentage of the Metal fraternity, may not necessarily be huge fans or followers of the Blackened Death Metal sub genre, I myself , sort of fell into it via the Depressive Suicidal Black Metal and Doom route but as an intro into a really fascinating and under exposed niche element of the musical wheel of Metal, then you would be hard pressed to find a finer example than this.
Poland’s Temple Desecration hit us with their debut 12” MLP, titled “Communion Perished”, ok, so we have a mere two tracks on display but that is totally irrelevant, as it is what you do with those two tracks, that is the important thing.
Opener “Ghoul Prayer”, gently caresses with its monastic chanting before boring a huge hole in your head with an onslaught of carnivorous, gut wrenching horror. An anarchic, and yet perfectly controlled gutteral vocal takes us on a voyage of defiling abhorrence, superbly held together by a guitar and drum sound that just screams quality, fading occasionally, for the desperate wailings and lamenting cries of tortured souls.
Crunching riffs and tolling bells lead us seamlessly into the second track, “Apotheosis”, with its Doom laden intro, quickly manifesting into an orgy of apocalyptic blackness, that lays waste to all set before it. A very refreshing side to this track and its predecessor, is a genuine feeling of cohesion and structure, not a cacophony of disjointed noise as befalls many bands of this ilk, here are a band who are able to draw you in to their world, black as it may be, with consummate ease.
Whilst this debut may not set the world on fire in terms of groundbreaking musical dexterity and achievement, it does deserve to be heard, as it is head and shoulders above many other bands efforts both current and past, and at twelve minutes or thereabouts in duration, it is a really good length of product to dip in and out before venturing out there to discover more of the dark side.
Well worth grabbing a copy of.
Released via Iron Bonehead Records on the 27th of June