THE SKULL – the heavy doom-rock band featuring original TROUBLE members vocalist Eric Wagner and drummer Jeff “Oly” Olson, alongside longtime former TROUBLE bassist Ron Holzner and guitarists Lothar Keller (DIVINITY COMPROMISED) and Matt Goldsborough (PENTAGRAM) – recently entered the studio in Chicago, Illinois to begin recording their debut album for an autumn 2014 release. The band has posted the following daily updates on their Facebook page.
May 28 – “The eagles have landed safely in Chicago just now with Jeff Olson from Kennebunk, Maine and Matt Goldsborough from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The crew is now all together and ready to start day one in the recording studio for the debut record to be released this autumn via Tee Pee Records!”
May 29 – “Got some good jams in yesterday. We are now all sitting out on Ron Holzner’s porch here in Chicago enjoying some coffee and sun… looking forward to record day 2 in the studio today for the debut album!”
May 30 – “Day 3 in the recording studio. Drums are sounding HEADY! Jeff Olson at his finest!”
May 31 – “It’s Saturday, day 4, in the recording studio. We are having a great experience…. everyone is on top of their game… three songs recorded. We think you’ll dig! Heavy, Heady, Fucking Rock! We are The Skull…”
As previously reported, former PENTAGRAM guitarist Matt Goldsborough was recruited last month (April) to take over for the departing Chuck Robinson (TROUBLE), who decided to step down due to his demanding professional career and, therefore, cannot commit to THE SKULL’s upcoming tour dates.
The band comments: “Timing was perfect when we met Matt and everything just seemed to fall into place at the right time when we needed a replacement. Matt is very laid back, has a captivating stage presence, and his riffs are electrifying!
“If you’ve ever seen him live with PENTAGRAM, you’ll know what we are talking about.”
The band continued, “We all understand and support Chuck’s decision. He is welcome on stage with us as a guest guitarist anytime, and we wish our brother well.”
Matt Goldsborough is Philadelphia-based guitarist who joined PENTAGRAM in April 2013 and performed with the legendary band throughout the United States and Europe until original PENTAGRAM guitarist Victor Griffin decided to rejoin earlier this year.
PENTAGRAM stated in a press release last April about Goldsborough, “His style hearkens back to the very origins of heavy metal itself when heavy blues and psychedelic rock guitarists pioneered the genre in an attempt to harden rock and roll.”
THE SKULL has unleashed two new singles recorded with acclaimed producer/engineer Billy Anderson (MELVINS, NEUROSIS). The “limited-edition” white vinyl replica CD featuring “Sometime Yesterday Mourning” (side A) and “The Last Judgment” (side B) was made available on April 8 via Tee Pee Records.
THE SKULL’s first show with former PENTAGRAM guitarist Matt Goldsborough
Live in Cleveland May 9, 2014