Theia’s debut EP, just self entitled that, ‘Theia‘. It has got to be one of the most professional hard rock hitting EP’s of 2013. For this extremely young group of three guy’s ( the youngest being sixteen ) to put together songs like theses you would have thought after listening to them that they were at least in their late twenty’s, or definitely time served musicians/writers. I’m being surprised more often theses day’s by so many very young groups putting out top quality tracks that would challenged the crown of any of our top rock bands.

Their first track off the EP is ‘Video Memories‘, a real true blue rock song. No hanging about here, just straight into a massive riff with a great drum beat and heavy bass cords. Lead singer and song writer Kyle Lamley‘s voice and style of singing fits this song like a leather glove on an iron fist. Smooth and slick on the outside while giving us a real punch of raw modern hard rock from inside. ‘Society On Mute‘, again another hard edged song taking a look at social issues. With a an inspired start to this track, it’s great to hear something a little fresher and original. So much so that it’s hard to compare them with any past groups which is also a really good thing as this makes a good band stand out from the main stream to be great band. While ‘Strike A Pose‘ is a slightly different twist to the two previous tracks, the first lines of the song seem to be dedicated to different persuasions of society. One line say’s “We want to know we’re making a difference“, I’d say that Theia is definitely going to do just this! Put all this together with a great rhythm section and some very smart bass riff’s, and an amazing lead guitar riff that couldn’t be bettered by any veteran guitar player I could name and you get one great track and first EP.

The groups second EP of 2013. Things are just going from stunning to amazing with these guy’s.
Theia II
The first track ‘We’re Alive’ started off in a classic melodic style then slowly brings us up to the boiling point of a brilliantly written and performed track. Having been fortunate enough to catch the lad’s play live in Derby recently I was blown away by the shear power that they can project, and this is also brought across in this first track. Trust me, just buy the EP first then go and see them play live. You won’t believe that the people your seeing could possibly be the same folks who made the songs. But as soon as they begin to play, wow! An exceptional group of young musicians, and take special care to watch out for drummer Tj Weston who gives an inspiring performance that would put a lot of skin thumpers to shame.

‘From The Streets‘ again starts off with a deep heavy bass intro from Paul Edwards that even Black Sabbath would be proud of. A great song for the stage as it’s got lots of places where fans can join in and sing along with the lads on the chorus, and Kyle’s solo riff three quarters through the song is spine tingling to say the least.The last track on this second EP is called ‘Anybody Else‘, a slower rhythm beat which takes time to tell us a story about living by somebody else’s rules and trying to make the breakout before being suffocated by them. For lovers of true old style heavy rock, i’m sure you’d all like this but with the great bonus of it all being new and very original at the same time. For Theia, you,ve gotta experience the experience!
THEIA are ‘Kyle Lamley, Paul Edwards and Tj Weston’.
Mixed and Produced by Nick Tyler.