Vanitas-E.D.G-Single Review-Planetmosh


Reviewed by:
On 24 June 2024
Last modified:24 June 2024


Vanitas return, flexing their musical muscles with their astonishingly heavy new single 'E.D.G', taken from a soon to be released 6-Track EP, Chaos Theory.

I’ve followed the progress made by Birmingham based, formed in 2022 band Vanitas with their now well used cinematic djent style for quite some time, getting heavier and heavier with each release, point proven by their major raging new single ‘E.D.G’, third track, that follows ‘Grey Morality’ and ‘Lies’, taken from an upcoming, sophomore 6-track EP called Chaos Theory to be released on August 2nd, 2024.

In 2024, Vanitas returned matured and dangerous, with a promise to deliver their heaviest release yet, which they have done with ease with ‘E.D.G’!

Musically it’s a brain mangling dose of bullying blast beats and additional inventive drum patterns to add other dimensions. Guitars riff after riff after motherf**king riff as they fly off their fretboards, reminding me of early Entombed! But what has frontwoman Jade Maris been stretching her vocal chords with as her performance here is truly unnerving as she spews out guttural growls and screams, melodic heart tugging melodies and for added measure, an eerie spoken word piece.

Vanitas band info is here :-

Vanitas band personnel :-

Jade Maris – Lead Vocals.

Elijah Storer – Guitar.

Jackson Cann – Drums.

Mitchell Barlow – Guitar.

Jon Willingham – Bass Guitar.

Vanitas return, flexing their musical muscles with their astonishingly heavy new single 'E.D.G', taken from a soon to be released 6-Track EP, Chaos Theory.

About Dennis Jarman

Full time downtrodden album/gig reviewer and part time rock God!

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