Voivod interview with Snake and Away, Bloodstock 2013

Voivod interview BOA 2013
Voivod interview BOA 2013

We catch up with Snake, Vocalist and Away, drummer from Voivod before their set at this year Bloodstock.

We discuss their recent album album ‘Target Earth’, artwork, Away solo album ‘Cities’, their set at Bloodstock, new material, what their plans are and so on.

Voivod Interview BOA 2013





About Sheila

Former Editor, Team Co-ordinator as well as PR, news poster, pass requester, Ex-Scottish Team Leader for PM since 2011 \m/ \m/ Also owner of the infamous Garfield L'arpie, who is a official mascot of RACPA UK. Check out RACPA UK (Rock Against Child Pornography and Abuse UK) http://www.racpauk.org/