A few months ago I went to see Wilson open for Halestorm in Glasgow’s legendary Barrowland Ballroom. I also got to meet and interview singer Chad Nicefield before the show and although he was feeling a bit under the weather he could not have been nicer or more giving of his time as we laughed our way through the interview. As he burst on stage not an hour later all signs of illness were buried as Wilson unleashed their particular brand of fuckery on an unsuspecting audience and were rewarded with roars of approval and many, many positive comments afterwards.
Back in July last year Planetmosh reviewed Wilson’s debut album, Full Blast Fuckery, a review that still holds the record for the most f-bombs in any review ever! In it, we said that they were, “a band without gimmicks and causes or a dedicated genre – their name is Wilson and they are here to blast your pants off.” The same is true of new album Right to Rise. From the very beginning with the title track Chad roars his vocal, forcing you to listen. The man will not take no for an answer! It’s simultaneously exciting, uplifting and inspiring and absolutely impossible to nail down. It refuses to be pigeonholed into a genre, it just is what it is, hence the creation of a new noun. It’s just pure fuckery.
There’s a nod to their home town of Detroit, Michigan on Windows Down. Where they came from is important to this band and they remember and acknowledge it on the album cover but equally important is where they’re going, and Detroit can be proud of these boys as with this album the only place they’re going is straight to the top. If Full Blast Fuckery was a launchpad, this is them going stratospheric.
Having recently signed to record label Razor and Tie big things are starting to happen, and will continue to. The difference with Right to Rise is that where Full Blast Fuckery was written by Chad and guitarist Jason Spencer this time around the whole band had input. That’s a whole lot of creative people getting in the studio with Halestorm producer Johnny Andrews and the result is something that really defies description. It has moments of pure rock, catchy riffs, singalong choruses, (you won’t be able to listen to Give ’em hell without getting it stuck in your head) a vocal that ranges from a whisper to a roar, quite literally on Waiting for the World, and is peppered throughout with guitar solos and one hell of a hard hitting drummer. I like to pick out standout tracks in my reviews, but here I’m going to recommend the album as a whole. It comes in just shy of forty minutes, but those forty minutes will exhaust you. Wilson will pick you up, shake you around, hang you upside down and give you a wedgie, but by the time you get back on your feet you’ll have a big old smile on your face. Congratulations, you’ve been fuckeried. You now have the Right to Rise.
Track Listing:
Right to Rise
Guilty (You’re already dead)
Windows Down!
All My Friends
Satisfy Me
The Flood
Hang with the Devil
I am the Fly
Give em Hell
Waiting for the World
Before I Burn
- 10.59