Zombie Lake is a multi-national band, hailing from both Sweden and the USA. Vocalist Martin Missy and crew deliver a brand of thrash-laced metal fairly close to an old-school Sodom vibe.
The ten tracks of Plague Of The Undead are an aural feast, at least instrumentally.
Atonal growling vocals are mixed far too loud on every track, detracting from the album’s impact.
Songtitles like “Brain Frenzy” and “The Cemetery” don’t seemingly intend to parody extreme metal.
While Missy’s former band Protector is far heavier, this undead riff factory, led by axeman Derek Schilling, packs a wallop if you listen ‘in depth’.
Track Listing:
Blood! Blood! Blood!
Emperor of the Walking Dead
Flesh for Frankenstein
The Cemetery
Deceased and Obssessed
Brain Frenzy
Blessed are the Dead
Strontium Dog
War of the Worlds
Zombie Lake