I saw Bad Touch about eighteen months ago when they supported The Quireboys at Club Academy, Manchester (reviewed here). They have been out on tour supporting The Answer on their ‘Raise A Little Hell Tour’ and I caught the gig at Sheffield Corporation last night. Mark Ashby for PlanetMosh reviewed The Answer at Belfast Limelight on 6th March see here so I was only covering Bad Touch tonight. I caught up with the guys for a quick chat before the gig here. Bad Touch was formed in Norfolk in 2009 and have won a few awards since then, having toured with bands like The Quireboys, Bonafide, Tyketto and The Electric Boys and played slots at Download, Steelhouse, Legends of Rock and Hard Rock Hell they have their debut album Halfway Home due for official release on 27th April.
Opening with Waste My Time Stevie, with his mane of dark hair and awesome waxed moustache was looking very stylish in a hacking jacket, waistcoat and an interesting pair of patched jeans, which I’ll come to in a little more detail later in the review, announced ‘Good Evening Sheffield let’s have some fun tonight’ and the show got off to a great start with a sound reminiscent of The Black Crowes with some great riffs and a bit of a Who Are You by the Who thrown in.

Motherload with it’s Whoa Whoa Whoas, and a bit of audience participation, followed then their new single Wise Water, which is also the first track on their debut album ‘Half Way Home’ which is due to be released on 27th April. Stevie took his jacket off at some point and was playing a tambourine and covering the stage well with hair flying everywhere. Stevie and Seeks, on backing vocals tended to be in the spotlight a bit more than Rob G and Bailey who kept more in the back ground. George was also on backing vocals but the drummer is usually at the back hidden behind a few well placed cymbals!
Words I Never Said which came next, ended with a shake of the tambourine by Stevie. Stevie said ‘Thank you very much Sheffield’ and also ‘Big Thank you to the two bands who played before’ (The Black Hands and The Picturebooks). The next song is title track from debut album ‘Half Way Home’ showcased Stevie’s powerful vocals to a T and I thought of the song Duchess by The Stranglers when they played this one, not for the whole song just some of the riffage it was like an interesting mix of Duchess and Jealous Again by The Black Crowes with some Jimi Hendrix riffage thrown in and Stevie said ‘Mr Rob G On guitar’ after some of the riffs. ‘I know you can sing this Sheffield’ got people singing along ‘That’s Beautiful! Keep it up now’ and at the end ‘Thank you very much.’

‘Fella’s lets hear you. This one always goes down well in Sheffield’ was the introduction to the next song Good On Me and Stevie said all the men like Seeks and him liked wearing ladies trousers. I don’t know about that but I wouldn’t have minded a pair of Stevie’s jeans and the song definitely had an element of The Only Thing That Looks Good On Me Is You blended with a bit Rolling Stones I’m thinking Start Me Up. Including the lines ‘Do they come in a size 14’ ‘Can I try them for size tell me where do you buy your jeans’ I loved this one, a good fun song. Then we came to the ‘Last song before we pass you over to The Answer‘ ‘Thank you! You have been amazing’ and Bad Touch ended their set with New Day a fast one with some great riffage, the refrain ‘Too Little Too Late’ and Stevie looking to be serenading Rob’s guitar at one point. Another Black Crowes type song this time I’m thinking Too Hard To Handle. As we came to the end Seeks held his guitar aloft and Stevie thanked us again then a ‘Good Evening. Enjoy your evening’ were the final words and Bad Touch got plenty of applause and cheers. A good show to get people ready for The Answer to follow.

When I think of Norfolk, Bernard Matthews and his Turkeys always spring to mind! If I’m going to go down that analogy route it wouldn’t be fair to say they put on a Turkey of a show but they did put on a show worthy of a Golden Crown. With flavours of The Black Crowes, Rolling Stones and a few added spices like The Who, The Stranglers and Bryan Adams thrown in. The tour continues on. Is Sheffield the Half Way Home between Birmingham and Norfolk? Not sure about that but they played Norwich in their home county yesterday and there are five dates still, from Bristol to Southampton, to complete the tour. If you’re in the vicinity try and make one of the shows, Bad Touch and The Answer, you will get one hell of a show!

Set List:
Waste My Time
Wise Water
Words I Never Said
Half Way Home
Good On Me
New Day
Band Members:
Stevie- Vocals
Rob.G- Lead Guitar
Seeks- Guitar
Bailey- Bass
George- Drums
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/badtouchrocks
Website: http://www.badtouchrocks.co.uk/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/badtouchrocks
(NOTE the pictures of Bad Touch were taken by PlanetMosh at previous gigs)